Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Positive Attitude!

So instead of beating myself up for my setback, I have decided to push forward!  Today I cooked dinner with the crockpot, checked my power meter to start trying to lower our usage, made a goodie for the kids snack and counted up my no spend days.  I have had 11 no spend days so far this month, I so need to do better.  Tomorrow we have a road trip, we are packing food so we don't feel the need to stop and eat.  The more personal finance blogs I read the more motivated I feel, I just need to keep up the momentum, already wrote out the checks for the bills for Fridays payday.  Paying what is due and cutting back on any extras it will be tight, but I am sure we can do it.  DH will have some overtime and this is his first paycheck with his raise, still trying to get caught up from the holidays.  This paycheck will have us almost there, next paycheck I should be able to put a bit in savings.  Is anyone else catching up from the holidays??


  1. New follower here! While I am not catching up from holidays as we had a zero budget holiday and a generous family sent my kids a box of gifts, we just finally caught up from hubby having several months of 20 hours a week checks-OUCH.

    Love your blog here and look forward to being a regular visitor here!


  2. Thanks Carrie, I appreciate the words of encouragement! I am starting to feel like an addict almost, if I read the blogs daily I can stay focused, if I don't like today I was in town, stopped at the store and blew some $ and stopped to get dinner after a game. Was sick yesterday, was tired today so no food prep. I am definately a work in progress...
