Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year, A New Budget!!

I am FW, a wife and mom, who has debt that she needs to clear up and pay off by the time she is 50, I have a few years to go, so I am ready to kick it in the pants!!

I have been inspired by so many wonderful blogs, of course I am hiding behind letters, as I am not willing to put myself totally out there, maybe in time...

Goals this month, to catch up on the bills, got behind with Christmas, to live on my DH paycheck , and to get a total accounting of what we owe, I kinda have an idea, but I need to generate a plan to get it paid off!!  Going to try a low/no spend month if I can, but I do have 2 kids in sports, so we shall see.

I am hoping that this blog keeps me accountable and motivated, wish me luck!!


  1. I wish you LOTS of luck.

    Happy debt reducing, I did it by the time I was 50 and am now just about to start serious saving, so I'm on a slightly different journey to you, but one that requires great frugality and a BIG sense of humour.

    All the very best, I look forward to popping by to see how you get on.

    Sue xx

  2. Glad you started a blog... The PF blogosphere is very supportive..

    I, like Sue, am on a slightly different journey...I need to save, save, save..(I've already hit 50!)

    I'll look forward to following all of your progress and success!! :)!


  3. Just stumbled upon your blog. good luck in your journey to become debt free. I've read thru your posts, do you have a basic budget to start with? Do you see any areas that you can focus on in an effort to reduce expenditures?
