Sunday, February 5, 2012

Expensive Super Bowl Sunday!

We either stay home or go to friends to watch the Super Bowl, and yes we watch it as my honey and I both like football.

We were planning on staying home this year, so we could relax in our sweats, eat snacks and enjoy the game.  I made our snack menu and figured up the costs, ouch!  So when friends invited us over, I accepted figuring it might be a bit more frugal.

I went shopping yesterday to get snacks, since our hosts are providing the main dish,  I said I would bring snacks, mistake #1 taking the family with me!!!!! Mistake #2 deciding to take most of the snacks we were gonna have at our house!!!

So not staying at home and not saving any money, ugh!!! Hope the Patriots win!!!!!

Hoping for a more frugal week did you do with your Super Bowl budget????


  1. An inexpensive superbowl for me...bringing sugar cookies over...friends are having over 50 people and having it catered...FREE dinner and drinks for us!!

  2. P.S. I always used to over extend myself by bringing a lot of one else did and there was always so much left over. Now I do enough but not too much.

    1. Love your words of wisdom! We ate most everything, and did have a good time, this week will be better, no away games, payday is Friday. Need to get the budget reworked, hoping the week is quiet like I am expecting. Can't wait to hear how your husband new opportunity turns out, hope it goes as you want!
