Saturday, February 18, 2012

Taxes are Done!!

So the accountant called and our taxes are ready to be filed, and we should have our refunds in a few weeks.

We are getting a decent amount back and I am planning on paying some bills and catching up, using a bit of it for my business and putting some away for our emergency fund. 

We usually try to do some sort of a project every year with some of our tax return.  I am a project girl and want to see something done.  This year I am trying to get some stuff done around here without spending any money on a new project.  There are things we could do that we have supplies for, but they aren't as fun as a "new" project.  Oh well, I am fast approaching 50, time to start being responsible!

Do your tax returns always go to the bills, or do you do something you want with it?

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